55 Powerful Money Affirmations

Powerful money affirmations relentless money machine

I’m going to share some powerful money affirmations here. Now, I’m a firm believer in the power of affirmations to transform one’s life. However, as you may have seen in my 77 Confidence Affirmations for Self-Esteem post, I make most of the affirmations centered around you having to do some action to achieve the result. … Read more

77 Confidence Affirmations for Self-Esteem

Confidence Affirmations

Here you will find a list of 77 powerful positive confidence affirmations for self-esteem. Now affirmations are a tricky thing. If your conscious mind or even subconscious mind for that matter, doesn’t believe what you are repeating then they may be no help at all. But, if you know what gives you confidence then you … Read more